Let Annie deal with the toil.
Your only have to connect your cloud providers and Git repositories.
Annie pulls every change, every dependency, and every configuration update in real time.
No lock-in & 5-min setup
No lock-in, a seamless 5-minute setup, and no additional frameworks required.
Contextual AI Insights
Get AI-driven recommendations based on your actual code and cloud resources, not generic LLM guesses.
Streamlined Debugging
Stop sifting through logs, consoles, and scattered files. Anyshift surfaces every detail you need—right when you need it
Enhanced Visibility
Map all resources, dependencies, and ownership at a glance.
Powered by a deep knowledge graph, Annie excels at solving tough infrastructure challenges.
Annie Knowledge
Annie instantly answers infrastructure questions like, “Why can’t I access this RDS?”
Annie PR Review
Annie automates and augments Terraform PR checks with in-context insights, ensuring each merge is safe.